W-W-W-W Demo
© 1997 Help Systems Publications
What is W-W-W-W?
In the form below, enter the following information:
- How many numbers are drawn in the game you want to play?
- How many numbers do you want to select for the wheel?
(Since you won't always find the ideal wheel, specify a range, e.g.,
20 ± 4, meaning you'll accept 16 through 24.)
- How many games do you want to generate from the wheel?
(See range explanation above.)
- What numbers do you want to "wheel"?
- Your own selections (pick up to 20 numbers); or
- A randomly-generated set of numbers (specify the maximum possible value).
When you are satisfied, click "Process my request."
You will then be presented with a list of wheel choices.
(You can either select one or change your ranges and try again.)